Holy shit! I'm finally done! That took the soul out of me.
I'll probably still post art or something, but I am not making another page of that damn comic until summer's over! DO YOU HEAR ME!? I do actually have something really fun planned tho, and not just for me this time.
Some time in mid to late august I'm gonna do a drawing your OCs challenge. (but wait it gets better) If anyone wants to have their OC or avatar in a shitty MSPaint comic as a background character, then now's your chance. During the challenge I'm gonna ask people if they want to be a part of my comic and if they say yes I'll have them in the background doing something.
I'll make sure to @ anyone I include, but don't expect to become a main character or anything. It's purely just a way to fill out space in the background.
Anyways I'm off to take a loooooooooong ass nap. I'll see you guys soon hopefully, or whenever I set a date for this.
(It's probably gonna be a disaster.)